School of Psychoanalysis
"The division of mental life to conscious mental life and mental life is not conscious, Freud (1856 1936), provided a major and fundamental in psychoanalysis" ("attempts in psychoanalysis," 1927).
♦ two places Alfruadian two.
Freud has made a row and two rows "Mkanyen" (from the Greek Topos, location) of a psychological:
♦ the first place presented in paragraph 411 of "the interpretation of dreams" (1900) distinguishes between three "systems": the unconscious pre-sense of feeling.
- Read the book Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams
- Read the book: the dream and its interpretation
♦ second place (who appeared from the year 1920) could be the interference of three "forces":
- "In moving Andfaatna primitive recreation; by the incident and all the processes remain unconscious" (Freud's "Moses and Monotheism," 1939), Ionic permission subject to the principle of pleasure.
Read the book Moses and Monotheism
- Remaining forces are the ego (center of "defense" of the character) and the ego Top (absorption of parental demands and prohibitions) and two Thoiran Italan recreation to the demands of reality.
Note: The ego and the ego are at the top Dzihma Haorian also not the greatest.
Filtat, dreams and neuroses
Freud likes to make life Napoleon represented the psychological dynamic (from Greek: Dunamis, force), "The psychological life of conflict and field arena of conflicting impulses struggling inside" ("Introduction to Psychoanalysis" 1916 1917). And "If some of the representations is able to become unconscious, it is because certain forces encountered" ("attempts in psychoanalysis," .1920 1923).
- Read the book summary in psychoanalysis
- Read the book: Introduction to Psychoanalysis
- Filtat:
Filtat acts or fault of their objectives Freud says, "are acts of psychological meaning and accompanied by the intention" ("Introduction to Psychoanalysis" 1916 1917), Vfeltat tongue or pen, and reckless acts, and oblivion is justified. . Etc., all betray and expose the often already the most intimate secrets of the person, the odd appearance comes from being a "product of the overlap Qsidin different" (ibid.).
Thus, in the following Filth (for example, a slip of the tongue of the President of the Austrian Chamber of Councillors who opened the meeting by saying: "The meeting rose"), we find that the intention suppressed managed to escape and float to the surface through the disruption of normal discourse. Being the configuration they both agree the Filth also depending on the composition of substitution and compensation (ie, alternative) of the speech is forbidden by the social rules (which it is possible that the speech is due them as follows: "I'm very tired, and I have no desire to preside over the session ..." .
- Dreams:
Property seems to dream by the disintegration of his limbs "magical mystery" ("Five Lessons in Psychoanalysis," 1910), but we find in behind the "text" Dream
The diseases, neuroses, "they appear to be either without motives and either have no meaning" ("Five Lessons in Psychoanalysis," 1910). Neuroses in his own way that translates the audience's desire for authoritarian sick (and so the sponsors of Anna her father dying was distributed to Ashaouraa between her love for her father and interest in freedom). The signs neuroticism (hysteria, phobias, compulsions.... Etc.) are then in turn found satisfactory Abdulat distorted certainly avoid the expression of repressed desire.
"The neurotic signs [...] are [...] signs of pent-up, configurations allow for success finally suppressed in the storming of the feeling that it was forbidden" ("dead psychology", 1915). We fall lying on diseases so that we can get through which the substitute for the pleasures that deprive them of life, all of which are "satisfactory score" problem "of a part of sexual activity with a person [the patient], or the sum of his sex life" ("Five Lessons in Psychoanalysis," 1910). Thus, the first impact of the disease represent Anna to make it not able to treat her father for a long time. . .
Three fundamental principles of psychoanalysis
- All the psychic energy derived from the libido
The sexual energy as psychoanalysis is derived entirely from the libido, the ego and the ego and the top are not only for the fun of modifications to the reality. There is therefore only the energy which is sexual in origin, which endured through the sublimation of escalation and the pursuit of the goals of "social-class" (work of art... Etc.) instead of the pursuit of mere animal pleasure.
- There is childish sexual
The sexual life of the individual far beyond the framework by Freud's sexual activity: Sexual life begins with early childhood and packaged forms of emotional life the most versatile.
Thus, the "rhythmic and repetitive movement of the lips," practiced by the infant, and the process of absorption in children, known as "sexually active" ("three attempts in the theory of sex," 1905). We will be wrong in other words, if we thought (or wanted to believe) that "the rush of sexual [...] do not wake up only in adulthood" (ibid.).
These childish sexual pass successively in three stages:
- Oral stage (first year)
- Sadistic anal stage (from Year 1 to Year 3)
- Phallic stage (from Year 3 to Year 5).
After the stage of sexual latency (from age 6 to 11 almost) complete psychological organization at the moment of puberty during the fourth stage is the stage nationality (or adolescence).
· Distinguish between normality and pathology is a highly relative
"We have recognized that we practically impossible to draw a distinction between normal cases and anomalies," as Freud wrote in "Encyclopedia
Psychoanalysis, "1938).
Neuroticism is not a disease any special psychological content can not be normal in people we encountered, and then the psychological analysis also invites us to revise our attitudes towards common mental patients.
- Outlined in psychoanalysis - Freud (read the book)
- Here you will find most of Freud's books in Arabic, click here: Freud
- Read also:
- Hallucinations
- Paranoia
- Schizophrenia
- Diagnosis of mental illness
- The patient's psychological mystery of multi-personalities
The presence of scenes or hearing voices that do not exist, as well as the interpretation of life experience and expertise in the Aakla, are phenomena that can be lived, contrary to what is popular, in the last number of diseases.
Great for files of the Journal of Humanities No.: 20
Hearing voices and seeing things and faces or animals, while not aware of where any of those around the patient these things, and there is nothing to match them or suggest them in the vicinity of the patient, is what could be the hallucinations. It is the experience of self and intimate of experiences the most unusual .
The hallucinations can be related to all the senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch), but emotional at the same time, when the person has a feeling that some of his ideas are strange ideas or imposed upon him by external forces. Hallucinations and is usually defined as a conscious without a subject is aware of, and distinct from an illusion which is a distorted perception of the object and also a realistic and Alhlawos on which the patient is conscious that he knows something does not make sense.
Loss of contact with reality
The hallucinations lived without any criticism will lead to the full involvement of the same and cause delirium, the latter known as the volatile content of the thought occurs to loss of the relationship of the patient's reality and connected to it. Alhveanat and ideas are in marked disagreement and a clear contradiction with the observed facts with beliefs prevailing in a given cultural context. Besides Almikanezmat hallucinogen, can also be the ravings of interpretive, intuitive or imaginary, and the intersection of these Almikanezmat with the beliefs resulting from erroneous thinking, while in the field of delirium Almhlos the beliefs on the basis of false perceptions.
In the case of delirium Alhlosa can appear by the self-criticism when they disappear Alhkhalusat or abating, in contrast to the erroneous thinking that can last a bizarre ideas long rooted in the thinking of the self.
The hallucinations and Alhveanat induce hallucinatory states can appear in many types of situations, and experience induce hallucinatory states cause confusion to realize science through the invasion of ideas and altering Queen governance and causing chaos behavior. And the behavior of self-hallucinogenic seen from a third party, it seems incoherent and non-adaptive; patient can, for example, talking to imaginary people, or imitate the movements of an inappropriate, or express the emotions running high and affluent. How to listen or view of the urgent or alarming and Almjhh about the whole scene is also visible signs of hallucinations.
When these signs settle permanently, a situation that a third of patients who suffer from schizophrenia (schizophrenia) P, struggling with the impact of these self-labels Bmjhodat enormous intellectual and emotional, which infects their own capacity to interact with its environment disruption.
Mqarepettan Tsorretan
Can according to cultures attribute the visions and sounds of the forces of supernatural or the manifestation mystic or an act of magic, was not considered to hallucinations as manifestations of satisfactory only at the beginning of the 19th century, ie, the birth of what became called psychiatry, Etienne Aaskierul he was the first collection under the same Name all the hallucinations coming from the different senses, necessitating addition to the already nervous that possible for this phenomenon. And I grew up in this regard, and gradually, Mqarepettan Tsorretan large: the approach to psychiatry that gave the outset priority for the origin of patients is distinct from cognitive normal, and the approach is psychological, which proposed a call to a continuation in between cognitive normal cognition patients, ie, illusion and hallucination. Has enabled the development of curricula discoveries nerve of overcoming this conflict has brought these approaches formulate hypotheses from the Note defects morphological and functional brain patient meanings of hallucinations and chronic, and include the approach to treatment of these signs several axes complementary was one steps decisive historical discovery of drugs for psychosis in the fifties was able sometimes to extinguish strange to the severity of hallucinations or delirium Alhlosa, also enabled advances in the field of image during the last ten years, and in multiple treatment centers, the development of new therapeutic formulas promising by modifying Alnoronat Neuromodulation.
Read also:
- School of Psychoanalysis
- Paranoia
- Schizophrenia
- Diagnosis of mental illness
- The patient's psychological mystery of multi-personalities
- Learning disorders
- Personal
Paranoia or delirium coherent
Construed injured Balbaranuya real events depending on the scenario is very unlikely, but it is built and constructed accurately, to the extent that people with this type of disease they can sometimes manage to convince the people around them. .
By: Claudie Bert
Files, Journal of Human Sciences major No.: 20
September - October - November 2010
The word paranoia Paranoïa derived from the words Aligriqitin «Para» ["next"] and «nous» ["mind"]. And the Greeks were called «Paranous» all those who seem to have an imbalance in the brain or are Mjnbun him. I have returned this word to appear strongly in the 19th century the German psychologists to refer to the delirium of grandeur or paranoia. Have known Emile Turablin 1904, that delirium regulator distinct from the delirium that we find the Alvsamyin; Valmassab Balbaranuya not see already elephants and pink or wing, as it aware of things, people and events as they really are, but it is construed by interpretation of hallucinatory offer.
DSM-IV in the U.S., as is the case in CIM-10 at the World Health Organization classified in the category of paranoia "disturbances bizarre" sustainable and "acceptable non bizarres"; which it is linked to the fact that we encounter situations can or not we encounter.
We can distinguish between different categories falling in the category of paranoia as the field of delirium: paranoia of persecution, which is available and located in a large, or the paranoia of jealousy or paranoia touch Cbaka or pedophilia (the patient it is convinced that is loved by one of his knowledge or that he is famous) mad buildup (the patient believes that he has a mission to save humanity) or the patient's delusion or a hypochondriac (believed to be infected with all sorts of diseases and pains).
There are among these patients, despite the different illnesses, common denominators; Vqdarathm mental remain intact, and still conduct a normal outside the scope of their illness, so they keep always to their occupational normal Vhveanam coherent, and looks their way of thinking sometimes very reasonable and convincing, as have the ability at times to show more ability to persuade other people Bhveanam, especially their wives or their wives, where they are talking in this case the "absurdity" double, and sometimes manage to convince all the family or a group of the whole community: Volgor Jim Jones managed to drag all the members of the Temple of the Sun to forest of French Guiana and succeeded in persuading its members that the 914 suicide with him is much better to live in a world of evil.
From case to case both foolish
At the end of the journey we get to the stage of delirium: the patient has built for himself a scientist, is for him, the real world and the only realistic, and can not be any proof whatever was to make him doubt the belief that. Two examples are linked to jealousy make us better understand the difference between "personal Albarranuyak "paranoia and paranoid disorder":
- Age Asked the psychiatrist to help him get rid of jealousy; Since he became the girlfriend, colleagues at work which is suspected of having a relationship with one of them, he can not prevent himself from being tortured with questions and doubts. Has moved a colleague, his girlfriend, to the benefit of others, felt age reassured ... but he saw his girlfriend share chatted with the other remaining colleague: he returned again to drowning in a spiral of jealousy. "However, it is not sure beyond a doubt and not praises Sinarioha hallucinatory offer can be approved without conditions [1]."
- Police Rescue came to the hospital, a man who beat his wife violently, Vastjoppe psychiatrist:
"Why do you hit? .."
"It's been betrayed by several months."
"Why hit today, exactly? .. "
"Yesterday evening, I claimed that I have a business meeting and came out of the house, and you have placed a tape recorder under the bed, and now I have proof of infidelity."
Then run the recording device, has not issued any sound it.
"So? .. "Shouted in the face with a psychiatrist, but the patient responded ecstatic cheering his victory:
"We have warned them, taking of course did not speak" [2]
His wife has a lover, and no one could doubt him in this conviction, that Hveana develops, "network" Okhtabouti: Every event interpreted as a sign of infidelity of the wife, and everyone associated with this event is seen as a partner or the accused.
Where it comes from paranoia? ..
The Almikanezm basic Tatah priority by psychiatrists about the disease, paranoia is projection: "The perceptions of patients about themselves they are themselves is what appears to them and what they see as unbearable and bearable (...) It is believed that he acted unfairly to say about himself that he victim and persecutor [3] "It was Freud in particular, is the criminalization of a refusal to acknowledge sexual orientation homosexuality in the patient through this analysis:" It is not I who loves men, that my wife is that you love, "the abuse of alcohol in this case is present in the most cases. We've also seen a rate higher than the Celsius Alvsamyin in families with Balbaranuya, for we might add also that the character Balbaranuya infected can develop in the direction of schizophrenic hallucinations.
Margins :
[2] H. LÔo et J.-P. Olié, Cas cliniques en psychiatrie, Flammarions, 1992.
[3] S. de Mijolla-Mellor, La Paranoia, PUF, coll «Que sais-je? »0.2007
DSM-IV A given statistic indicates that there is in society, and between 0,5 ÷ 2,5 ÷ figures infected with paranoia.
The proportion of patients Alhveanyen paranoia is much less 0,04 ÷ by DSM-III shows that delirium in the final stages of life (in the age of forty), the distribution of the disease, while gender is different depending on the patterns of disease in the context of falling paranoia: Vhvean persecution is found mainly in males, The sexual obsession afflicts mainly females.
Is the patient Balbaranuya a danger to people? .. Yes, it can be as well, has estimated the study of mental patients with difficult diseases unit UMD Cadillac that one third of violent acts committed by the mentally ill were issued for those with Balbaranuya.
However, according to research published in the study mentioned above, the "27,5 ÷ of murders committed by the mentally ill had been expected and that 65 ÷ of them could have been avoided" by the treatments, the quality and serious consideration to the issue of risk. The patients paranoia Alhveanyen come back often to commit the same crimes, and they then do not regret at all: The victim was already worth it ...
Treatment of the disease
Is it possible to address the patient Balbaranuya? Does it require the patient's own treatment? .. Vmak what he does only rarely. However, in cases of personality disorder happens that the patient consults a psychiatrist, because he is suffering and in pain due to illness, or because those around him, begging him to consult Tkpab, or because he alerted to the possibility of losing his place or his job. Other cases are cases of patients who are treated after they forced acts of violence.
How is it treated? ..
Off treatment for the nerves Bmahdi Neuroleptique, and disappears when the delirium, the patient can be directed towards the psychological treatment (cognitive behavioral therapy and treatment, rather than based on psychoanalysis).
The processor is trying to persuade the patient and the views of others, but the fastest in the command, it either will become in the eyes of his patient to the oppressed another adds to group their oppressors, or that the patient will collapse and distancing itself from all the values, and there is a remedy known difficulties, but he can succeed. CB
Paranoiak sur Comme Au Cinema
Read also:
- School of Psychoanalysis
- Hallucinations
- Schizophrenia
- Diagnosis of mental illness
- The patient's psychological mystery of multi-personalities
- Learning disorders
- Personal
Diagnosis of mental illness
- The art of diagnosis In psychiatry
The choice of specific treatment, as well as the perception that the patient Sakunha itself, depends on the diagnosis of disease, and note the phase of fundamental and essential, as it is very difficult.
By Bruno The leftWhat does the doctor to complete the psychological diagnosis of the condition? .. To answer this question, it must be mainly of understanding about the meaning that will give it to the word "diagnosis", but we find at the outset that this meaning is not uniform for all workers in this field; the diagnosis could meet with a particular type of defect case Bachtgna psychological defect described from papules theory. Sometimes we talk about physical or psychological approach is satisfactory. Thus, the studies done on animals or business in general resulting from neuroscience suggests Norubiologih forms of mental illness, with enough of the relevant clinical records. We have included psychoanalytic concept of neurosis in the field of a strong theoretical, occupies the site where the concept of a dynamic path of the center of life, and some doctors be included in the perspective of the diagnostic exercise such as this, but it is not the case all practitioners.Can be considered a diagnosis also simply a set of tags that we face together often (SAD inability to feel pleasure, insomnia, loss of appetite, for example..), We talk about "syndrome" to take the status of the disease if they specify a path therapeutic and has a value of speculation diagnostic , it's symptomatic approach to the diagnosis and Alsimeologih analytical psychotherapy. This approach is based on accurate observations have been accumulated over the centuries by healers instruction is particularly insightful, and classifications of the most famous psychological Lhalal now [DSM and CIM] rise from this approach.Knowledge of topicMust add to that important elements are linked to the concept of diagnosis:1) can not imagine mental illness without putting in perspective what constitutes a psychiatric patient, unlike the idea the most immediate and direct, not the patient is who has the disease, and vice versa, and with George Kang'elm is the day that the patient is of beats door of the doctor, the disease is building helps to think and to ensure the patient in order to cure it.2) provide us with mental illness as if the entities are clear and distinct, while there is a continuity between what is normal and what is pathological, but as long as the treatment of words and are subject to strict logic, it has become a diagnostic characteristic of all or nothing.Will understand, then at this stage that the practice is not consistent diagnostic and not subject to interpretation Aodouh in the field of medicine, and psychiatry in particular.In practice there is an essential point to be recorded, it was a panellist diagnostic always dialogue with clinical; any interview someone asks for help from a specialist role is to respond to this request, and ends with a psychiatrist through this convergence between the two parties to better identify the interlocutor, which is not only necessary to ensure that the patient, but is also part inevitable from the treatment itself; Knowing that someone else understands the afflicted us is of course a source of satisfaction Amim: We can not therefore be considered dialogue diagnostic as if it were independent of the relationship of self treatment that you do so in between psychiatrist and patient.Two models of communicationThis "self-identification" in the field always practical, which tends toward him dialogue diagnostic, based generally on the exchange of two models of communication; the first can be described as communion Alvinominologi: the attached physician rule and refrain from issuing any rule, and pick axes in Matih, Vićkl this impression The climate between the two parties can access and access to more than the faces of mental life and to engage in psychological disappearance.The second approach is an approach Simeologih, and is in the search for clinical elements (thoughts of death hallucinations insomnia.... Etc.). The installation of these two types of information, and the inclusion (or not be included) within the confines of the field theory, and put them in perspective with the same representations that being a doctor within a period of time, all this leads to a gradual crystallization of diagnosis and the emergence of all Lawynh and limitations.*****************************Read also: - School of Psychoanalysis
- Hallucinations
- Paranoia
- Schizophrenia
- The patient's psychological mystery of multi-personalities
- Phobia
- Learning disorders
- Personal
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