Assets of Culture
How was the mental and intellectual capacity of early humans? .. And when the birth language? .. What distinguishes Homo sapiens Homo Sapiens from animals to other high? .. Has become possible today, thanks to many of us of recent research, draw several scenarios for the emergence of the issue of culture and the emergence of human beings.
By: Francois Dortie
For: Journal of Humanities 105
And an answer to his children Almshidohen and those who ask him why we not only carved stones for different land use, and why we must always learn to invent and innovate and move forward, and that Nrom progress in the framework of humanism, he would Edward in one of the days and words voiced: "Wait. . And see. "
The book by R.. Lewis comes an answer comic mystery of great scientific, is the mystery of human origins: when and how and why they started one of the animals higher in the forests of Africa, he thinks and invent tools and language, and art, religions and social laws, and turned it into a special kind of organisms? .. And has become possible thanks to the archaeological archives: the bones of fossilized stone tools carved houses of the effects of landfill fees on the rocks, and the accuracy of dates, which has become increasing day by day, re-shaping and building the main lines of Genialoya humanism, but these data do not much enlightenment about the mental capacity the prehistoric people, their culture and how it was Tmtlathm? .. Why, for example, there is a gap c for at least two million years, among the first tools on the one hand, and the first effects of art on the other? .. And when it appeared the language and symbolic thinking? ..
New fields of research in the fields of Alerkyuloggio mental and evolutionary psychology and neuroscience and Alaatolojia, all of which enabled the formulation of scenarios for Bnchah and the emergence of culture in human history.
Africa is a human being from the old Australopithèque? ..
The facts of what took place and before the date of the humanitarian outlined in three moments: at the point of view, there are human values, or monkey Africa South Australopithècus a variety of large apes that walk on two legs and had lived in Africa between 4 to 1 million years. Moment, opened the second class human named Homo, which appeared in more than two million years. The brain knew this last great development (doubling its size 3 times during the 1.5 million years old) and engaged in the manufacture of tools.
Finally came the named product Homo sapiens Homo Sapiens since 150 thousand years ago, and with it will happen since 4 thousand years the emergence of a real explosion of cultural clothing, art, tombs and sacred rites. . . But we must understand what happened so well that we start the story from the beginning.
- Young "Lucy" in the perception of another
- Skull of the child "Tong"
- Australopithecus afarensis
- Homo habilis
- Human rectum cod
- Carved stone tools
- Homo sapiens and Alaniantrdal
- Historical development of the class of human beings Homonidés
- Map locations discoveries
- Famous rock cave drawings
- Alkromaon
Great apes, has launched a t. Took place on this creature name Australopithècus.
Outwardly from the outside look of these objects similar to great apes, and the size of the skull of the class of human African old named Australopithècus afarensis (such as Lucy) is 400 cm 3 (the largest barely skull chimpanzees), but the composition of different for the composition of the skull of chimpanzees; Valthagb occipital at the back of the head ( where it passes the spinal cord) is open towards the bottom, which is an indicator of walking upright (on two legs), about 1.40 meters tall for males and 1.15 m in females and this sexual dimorphism (physical differences between large male and female) are as well as This important indicator of sexual habits. Indeed, it has a great ape Kalgurela or monkey Hamadreass link between the two nationality strong and practices of the harem; Males engage in combat, and the strongest among them is the one who holds a group of females, and in return, or vice versa, this binary is less prominent and visible to the species, the only female Kelchibon Gibbons or with species that have prevailed for some kind of sexual promiscuity Kqirdh chimpanzees.
Africa is believed that ancient people lived, Kalqirdh high current in small groups consisting of several dozens of individuals who occupy a certain area, the more likely they left the tropical forests to live in savannah woodlands in the vicinity of lakes and rivers. The distribution of their diet between picking fruits and plants, and hunting of small mammals in some cases. But, on the question, What about their mental? .. It is unacceptable today likened to the capabilities of mind in chimpanzees; has a both a common ancestor who lived in 5 or 7 million years, ie, at the very least, a million years before the appearance of the old people of Africa Australopithècus.
He was a specialist known in animals Supreme Jane Goodall of the first who by observing chimpanzees in the middle of a natural jungle Tanzanian, and then the world of prehistoric Louis Leakey was the one who encouraged him to do his research so that we can better understand what it was the lifestyle of human African old .. We know today, thanks to the c. Goodall and all the teams that followed, that chimpanzees possess a form of intelligence technical; they are made with a family of tree trunks before going to sleep, and use some sticks, small to catch ants inside their homes, and break the balls cuckoo stones used one Xandan and the other like a hammer, and the addition has proved Frederick Julian, a specialist in the culture of chimpanzees, the presence of a real factor to break the nuclei of the cuckoo chimpanzees, since there are some 150 or 200 years. Indeed, the nucleus Feltxeir Coco by a stone, it must first be able to do so technical, they break down when it receives a violent blow, but the hit on the land leads to wet Ghosha in the ground. (1). . . It seems that the adult female chimpanzees teach their young how to do this, and these do not succeed in this alone but after a certain time.
Map locations discoveries
A recent study published in the journal "Nature" show up on a tradition of local cultural in this type of ape: the way to invoke Chambaei Tanzania to catch ants differ from the way in which resorted to Chambaei Ivory Coast and Uganda, and everything is reason to believe that these traditions were acquired by learning and transfer from generation to generation. Social intelligence also advanced to the chimpanzees, they are as animals, a strategy able to practice deception and fraud, for example, Tarif launch a cry of warning to divert the attention of the group and grab the food easily. Finally, we know they are available on the representations and perceptions mentality (the region dirt) and awareness of self, it is able the formation of symbols to express them for things or actions. (2) The sum of these observations confirms that the chimpanzees, as is the case with most mammals, is not only acting out of instincts; as part of its behavior is acquired through play, experiment and simulation; Vsgar chimpanzees discover rules of the game of social and also learn how to feed and how to make Srsr sleep in trees, and the period of "youth" that precedes the coming of age in these monkeys a third of the Age: 10 years ago is the addition of a sign on the length of the learning and acquisition of these the monkeys. In the end, Valqird not born a monkey, but becomes as well. . . This is without doubt also applies to Africa, the old man Australopithècus.
So you can talk about the "culture" of great apes and man the old Africa Australopithècus? .. If we mean that the presence of learning and practical experience and acquired social behaviors and movable within the confines of the group, the answer clearly is yes.
Does this lead us to recognize that there are no differences between the old man Africa and the people existing only in terms of class? .. However, this is not the conclusion, which ends most of the specialists; Vahambanza Africa as a human being old used some of the very few tools but they do not Asnaanha. Attempts made to teach chimpanzees how to make stone tools are all doomed to failure. Also, attempts to make them learn the language of signs and signals are also shown their limitations. The chimpanzees can learn 200 words and use them well, and can be mounted in two words (and rarely three) to formulate a request, but could not never, ever override these initial installations and formulate true statements. It's interesting that the attention is that they use always this embryo the language in the context of a request very specific ("Washoe Lebanon") or an answer to a question, (When you ask him the color of something, can Oacho to answer, saying "blue ball"), which is not used at all to put questions or make observations of spontaneous or even cut some of the stories (3). Finally, as pointed out by the American Anthropological because Tatteresal, director of the Museum of Natural History in New York, we're not into its own on the behavior of chimpanzees refers to the completion of activities that fall under the "projects" in the long term (4). So there is a gap between the intelligence of the old man Africa (compared to the intelligence of chimpanzees) and Homo human intelligence product which will be appearing, in turn, is also the land of Africa.
Rights and tool-making Homo
The first models of this type named Homo known appearance in Africa since the two million years, and if they have been reduced recently in two basic types with great: Homo habilis Homo Habilis and human rectum cod Homo Erectus, the family of Homo that preceded Homo sapiens Homo sapiens has been complicated in recent years by the discovery of a whole group of new species (Homo Rudolfensis and Homo Ergaster and Homo Heidelbergensis and Homo Antecessor
Human rectum cod
And to understand what could be in this culture Almimah, to imagine two people, ignorant of each and every one of them all about the language of the other and tries to communicate with him, let him understand each other resort to the expression Memia for the acts and healthy youth that would like to express them, which is to say the word "eating "He can raise his hand to his mouth, and talk about the birds can be expressed Memia movements on the wings of the bird is Mimi, and to regulate fishing, you can do to play a scene of fishing and the like.
Homo sapiens and Neanderthals
Did the class of human beings have a specific language? ..
This M requires a special form of representation, it is possible to formulate simple instructions ("Jina apple") and previews ("It's great!") And the expression of questions ("Where is the little girl? ..") And describe the status of certain ("There is a Snake in the tree "). However, this type of representation remains very limited; it makes it impossible to formulate abstract concepts (as can be described as a dog but can not talk about an "animal", but can not be more talk about "living being") as well as ideas the vehicle ("the age of roses shorter than our lives, "" I met my uncle who told me that he needs us ") and made Kalosatir particular stories or myths.
This culture has enabled Almimah-centered business in the eyes of Mr. Donald to talk about topics missing and future situations (hunting scene), even without achieving a higher degree of coding.
The thesis of Mr. Donald glamorous, but it is not based on any given Archaeology convincing and decisive, and dancing and some of the rituals and rites will suffice and ruins are the remains of this topic to contemporary culture. However, the importance of his theory is to try to imagine primitive form of culture, which lead us to wonder about the crucial point: the issue of capacity is purely a linguistic category of human beings, would the products of human language has a Homo? .. On this point, we find contradictory anatomical indicators. I think Philip P. Tobias, one of the discoverers of Homo habilis, he noted in the form of the skull starting to form spaces associated with the language, and there is a date the emergence of language in 2 million years ago (8), but other indicators such as the absence throat compatible with the functions of language leads us to believe that it was impossible the ancestors of Homo sapiens that Amvsaloa and ride sounds necessary to speak. As a result,: l. Tatteresal birth determines the language in the history of Kmtdkhalh much closer with the early members of Homo sapiens since 50,000 years ago. It is there we find that the estimates for the birth of language between - 2 million years, and - 50,000 years ago is very different and far between. And to try to bridge this gap between the assumptions extreme, the other perception scenarios and feedstock; the case of lingual Derek Bickerton in his book "Language and Species Language and Species (9) It assumes the possibility of a language primary spoken by human rectum cod will be similar and close to the language of children under second year of life on the one hand, the language acquired by chimpanzees on the other. This language is composed of the primary structures among words expressive directly about a subject or a person or an act (for example "encore boire" or "pas dodo"). We find by the words of sentences, and the effect of small molecules consisting of the installation of two words.
The culture is not shown for d. Bickerton only with the emergence of abstract symbols and installation, which enabled the construction of sections of the vehicle. According to this Alkhtath, the language developed and completed is the key to mental freedom of human beings to explain the jump to the major cultural Homo sapiens.
The and Terence. Deacon, a researcher at the University of Boston, into thinking Sinarioha based on co-evolution of each of the brain, language and symbolic thinking, which shows in his book "species is The symbolic Species" that the adaptive evolution of each joint of the brain and language, which is the birth of symbolic thinking.
As a conclusion, the early class of human beings (Ergaster; Erectus). . Etc. they have the culture of a more complete human being of the culture of Java, has enabled them to develop tools to control the fire, it is a key section in the field of cultural evolution. By pooling all the theses of M.. And Dr. Donald. And T. Bickerton. And. Deacon, we can draw external features of the primary culture.
The people no longer live in the world of direct and indirect relationships between individuals or between people and nature, has become possible to develop a plan of activities in the medium term and the perception of a complete plan for fishing and the regulation of activities within the confines of a team.
As tomorrow is possible and feasible to communicate the most complete; any one that goes beyond the expression of emotions, it is possible to transfer information (through a statement that there is a tiger in this place or that, for example) and the organization of community life on the base of the commands and prohibitions, contracts and may exchange among the groups. Without a doubt, the social life changed during this period a significant change.
It remains to be lower Albaleguelaticah period did not leave behind any trace of art or ritual or religious beliefs or technological diversity, as for this purpose had to be waiting for the arrival of Homo sapiens, Vmah then will be the launch of a new era.
The terms and conditions of the emergence of Homo sapiens from about 150 thousand years remain the subject of sharp dispute, and in this context, we find three conflicting scenarios: the first scenario, called scenario multi-parties (via the parallel evolution of the human rectum cod in Africa, Asia and Europe towards Homo sapiens). The second scenario is the scenario of the African Eve (where the human mind will Satozaa Africa and then after that the sum of the globe). And the third scenario is the result of mixing two previous ones is called a complex scenario.
Homo sapiens and the explosion of cultural
Certainty only the most recent is that the first Homo sapiens appeared since 150 thousand years ago, which included this category two different types: Neanderthals and Kromaon; Neanderthal is the son of my uncle run, who disappeared in 30 thousand years without leaving behind any following, but Kromaon is our ancestor direct.
Will spend these people of today to create practices that were not known until that time; Since - 40.000 years in the time when the Neanderthals in the extinction, the explosion occurred a cultural real with Alkromaon, this explosion great cultural marked by several events combined and interrelated with each other: the diversity and complexity of the tools ( Arrows Mkhaatif needles), the appearance of clothing and huts, necklaces, start painting on the rocks, the emergence of the first statues. . . Etc., caves of Lascaux and graphics available ShooFeeTV enigmatic animal and its hands are of course the most famous symbol of this period (between --32 000 and - 17000).
At the same now, Alkromaon bury their dead according to the ritual experience as conclusive on the existence of faith in the lives of others in the other world. Burials were found at the site of Ssongr Russia is proof most indicative of this; there buried since 28 thousand years, two young men and a man in sixty years of age, and shroud garments embroidered about 3,000 jewel of ivory, each of which required at least an hour of work to be completed . In their necks and hands were holding necklaces and Dmalj of shells, in a place against them was found Naben benches of teeth mammoths were evaluated Aauajjajhma even allegedly become straight (through the water very hot, without a doubt), and contains the tomb on the tools of bone and some sculptures small. The act like this is supposed to have been conclusively Elbashm and provide them with equipment Go to the other world. The burial of the dead, art, and complex instruments and religious beliefs, all of these cultural phenomena have emerged over a few thousand years, which motivates us to directly link between these phenomena and the question of whether expression were not good form of thinking? ..
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