Philosophers before Socrates
Philosophy was born in the Hellenic world on the coast of Asia Minor at the end of the seventh century BC, after the invasion of Greece by the Persians, made up cultural centers located in southern Italy and Sicily School Millett that Thales was the founder and pioneered.
The philosophers who call them "pre-Alsagratian" are those philosophers who raised the first question out of things, a question that contains the seeds of embryonic as it can be called later Aristotle Balmitaveziqa, was left to us of these philosophers only fragments or unfinished business, and most of what we know them came to us through Hraham.
The pre-Socrates extends from the sixth century to the fifth century BC, was known birth of three streams of thought major: current ion Alviagorih and cervi, and brings together and unites among these currents, philosophers, founders, regardless of the differences existing between them, is busy These philosophers ask questions and problems rationally. I Ramoa their way through the accountability of the world's foremost knowledge of the nature (Vises) Article I or the first element of the problem of existence, so that they can explain everything. This component of Thales for example, is water, which for Onxmender infinite element, the air for Onxemins, the four elements or Alastksat for Omppadukulais, and Democritus, we have proposed a model to explain the basis of "atoms".
Four elements: water, air, fire and earth
This multi-stunning in the answers was paralleled by the interests and concerns of technical and practical and, indeed, these "scientists" first they were unaware of the discrimination that we evaluate we are today among the various fields of application of knowledge; Vtalis for example, who was famous in his time of being able to predict Peixov solar, put a number of minor engineering issues, and was able to measure the height of the Egyptian pyramids.
Thus, astronomy, physics, mathematics, engineering, and metaphysics were all lived together in the philosophies of the pre-Socratic, and will give us the curiosity of this, which is without limits, a multiplicity of interpretations of Eosmos, these explanations will resort to philosophers Subsequent later, and in most cases.
And will end this first phase Mona stages in the history of Western thought the emergence of Alsovstaiien who, as is the case or Brocagoras Georgias, for example, studied the art of the defense of any thesis according to whatever the expectations of their audience. We have embodied the philosophy of Alsovstaiien backlash against the former philosophers. Alsovstaúaon has seen the transformation of their time in the new center of cultural or intellectual: in Athens, and since then, philosophy doomed to be known by the face is the face of legendary philosopher Socrates.

Plato and Aristotle: Heaven and Earth
Plato and Aristotle: Heaven and Earth
The beginnings of philosophical thinking
Ancient Greece
I knew Athens during the reign of Pericles prosperous and well-being and the summit reached an end, and after his death, 429 BC, the Greek city sank into a political crisis facing the supporters of oligarchy and democracy advocates. However, the strong rise and exciting for the Macedonian monarchy during the reign of Philip II and Alexander the Great Greek influence weakened to the extent that he spent the day after the final defeat of Hirōna year 338 BC. M. I have known the Hellenistic period Velsvien will affect the spread of Islamic sects, alone in all the philosophies that Stlehma; and it comes Palmzhpin Platonic and Aristotelian. But the question that presents itself is how you can directly talk about these two philosophies without talking before that for Socrates / Personal and Socrates puzzle? .. So we do not know about Socrates except what the contemporaries, and because the certificates for which different and contrasted; have his pupil Plato in Theages Kgam draws his listener to Shada, but the poet comic Erstovan puts it, on the contrary, in his play titled: les nués et le dépeint , in the category of sophists. Who is Socrates, then, really?the only certainty is that he was a professor and the inspiration for Plato, and Aristotle's sense. Unlike the pre-Alsagratian who do not know them, but some of the fragments, which have reached us by chance alone, we've got it almost entirely the work of Plato, with the exception of some of the debates and a number of messages that are not original. Commentators agree to recognize the authenticity of the most important Dialogues. As for the original texts of Aristotle, we do not reach them, but we can gain the minutes of the lessons to his students in groups are sufficient, in terms of relevance and coherence, to rebuild the total Aristotelian philosophy. Beyond the problem of the assets of this, different work of these philosophers in terms of style and skipping; Vmhorat Plato characterized Bchkhosa many, and therefore, shape the evidence and arguments, including a free seems to move from one topic to another, and playing on the various ways Kalard and systematic recourse to the myth . The works of Aristotle, is the reverse of that encyclopedic; which contains strict logic careful observation of nature and political systems. And nothing appeared to escape the curiosity of the philosopher who take one moment to the other body of biological, psychological and physical and metaphysical, logical or was rhetorical. We guess these two affairs Altugean contrasting them with their contemporaries; Thus, the reaction of Plato's argument in their direction represents the sophists, who considered them in young Mahorat main enemies of philosophy, because they reject all the criteria of truth. As Aristotle was more objective, and that when he introduced the theories of ancestors, but, after all, did not hesitate to hold them accountable sometimes from his own theory and in the light, and that way wrong in cash. In parallel, we find a tradition descended from Socrates represented in the schools, the Socratic small , such as school or Almigaria Alsanikih (relative to the philosopher Seneca), inherited from Socrates, irony and ethical concerns, and the followers of these schools make of it, "who knows he does not know anything," the skeptic first. If the tradition does not govern their relations, intellectual property, it must however be recalled that these schools have contributed to the deepening of Platonic and Aristotelian philosophies which are frozen in after the death of Masséma, the tendency Dougmatiqih less and less respect.The "small" Alsagratian therefore contributed to the boot to clear the major schools of the third century BC; After the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, he began Hellenistic era, which has become the common property of Greek culture between the countries of the Mediterranean from Egypt to Spain.The Athens remained center of intellectual life and remained Greek language thought and culture, but none of the philosophers of the 3rd century BC was not a Greek rude; Most are descended from the cities were not have the tradition of democracy and national independence that characterized the Athens of the fourth century BC. . . And so escaped interests and political ambitions of the philosopher with the indifference of Epicurus, who believed that the duty of the philosopher to live on the margins of the city, or according to the Epicurean tradition, where you lose any city or nation, meaning when your lack of political affiliation. What has become inconsequential morality is, to the extent that it was to become the only goal of knowledge: Valabicoria and Stoic aimed at building a rational science of nature because the physics Khath essential to having the wisdom and happiness.
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