Between the seventh century and the end of the sixteenth century Scientific centers in the world, and the universities and prosperous industries elaborate and advanced science in constant evolution and construction on the rise was the Arab countries, a pilgrimage site for seekers of science and wonder of civilization is unprecedented, the scientists would a great respected public high regard the rulers, and this was the period is the period of the establishment of science in the world before it was Knowledge of Atertqa to the rank of science, did not remain in the field of science, which we know today was only the Arabs had built.

Person who installed a drug from a wild herb.
Muslim doctors have developed methods of treating wounds Vapetkroa parts dry style CSS. The surgery fuses Almgmosh in honey to prevent suppuration of procedure, their method of transport layer Europeans and Spaniards in their wars. The surgeons Muslims have jumped on the surgery a huge jump and passed from the stage of de-arrows as it was when the Greeks to gay micro-surgery and which facilitated the discovery of anesthesia before surgery, They found what they called the shrine (anesthetic, a sponge soaked in a solution of herbs vehicle cannabis (hashish), and weeds and poppy (opium) and six-Hasan. and leave to dry before the operation and put the sponge in the patient's mouth, if absorbed by the mucous membranes that bile surrendered to sleep with him does not feel the deep pain of surgery.
Not only Muslims on the way doctors sponge drugs, but they use it for Bossa from the anus or drink from the mouth. The Muslims knew anesthesia inhalation. Ibn Sina and its impact by saying: (inhaled the smell of a presentation of a deep sleep from his watch). To awaken from the anesthetic, doctors would use the sponge Arabs called it sponge saturated with vinegar stimulant to remove the effect of the drug and wake the patient after surgery. Tell us and Ibn Sina in his book "Law" for refrigeration anesthesia, saying: (Among other things, numb, cold water with ice cooling adults). He described how the use of cooling as topical anesthetic in dental surgery .. It was so averse to the surgeons before Aljrajh of the Interior, and content themselves with amputations. Cauterization with fire, and to stop internal bleeding. But the discovery and invention Razi for surgical sutures from animal intestines can make sewing any internal organ safely without having to open it again to remove wires surgery. The surgeons use suture wounds in the needles and yarn of silk or from the intestines of animals to link internal and external wounds or from the threads of gold to orthodontics.
With the development of surgery when the Muslims after the discovery of anesthesia, invented many machines surgery that were not known before them, some are machines made of silver or steel Oalnhac. The names of the machines indicated the extent of the expansion of surgical scalpels and diversity, there are different kinds of surgery, external and internal, including a reduction Odhu binomial and saws for cutting large and small to cut the bones of the Interior. And various forms of mismatch Scalpels Scalpels fork and cut the tonsils removed. And Majada and Majadr and initiator and hooks. And planted scalpels and scissors out of the eyes and Alajafot different shapes and sizes, large Kalajafot used in gynecology to extract the fetus or to facilitate the birth. Alajafot or used in orthopedic surgery to extract the remains of bone within the body or arms, or used in surgery of the ear, nose and eyes. The hooks that fall between the blood and veins and nerves in the internal vascular surgery and sewing.
In bone fractures, doctors would use the types of splints of bamboo or palm fronds or wood. He was being treated are forced off the joints and broken bones in the hand means the experience and skill without the need for surgical incision and often use tension on the joint to prevent the recurrence of dislocation, and they devised a way to respond to sudden dislocation. The Ironing Palmkkawi different, had passed down since the pre-Islamic Arabs were Muslims was used by therapists as a painkiller for chronic diseases and incurable women, a race Ampaju and migraines. And identified the maps of the human body identified by the cauterization positions for each disease. Ironing may be in more than one place for the same disease. The Muslim physicians innovated types of heated irons, including the Age of needles per minute, or two divisions, or three. And they made of iron or copper or gold or silver and set the right temperature for the treatment of each disease. And select the world's Ibn Sina in his book "Law" of the main surgery for cancer . In three stages, namely: early detection, and early surgery, Valastisal full. According to Al-Zahrawi cancer treatment in his book "discharge", saying: (when the cancer is in the position can eradicate all cancer who is in the breast or in the thigh and the like of the members are prevalent to remove a whole, if beginning with a small, then do so. As for when to provide it should overtures Fannie what I was able to heal him to anyone. I saw the tribal and others came to that). He described the process, saying: (and then received in cancer hooks that fit, and then Tkorh of each hand with the skin on the survey so as not to remain something of its assets and leave the blood being not go quickly, but what you can squeeze placements).
The Al-Zahrawi is the process of eradication of the thyroid gland . A process that did not dare any surgeon in Europe to conduct only in the nineteenth century after nine centuries has been the process by saying: (This tumor is called Philae the throat and be cyst great on the color of the body which is in women a lot. It is of two types either be natural or be incidental . As for the natural there is no trick in it. The accidental so the two types, one similar goods fat and the other type is similar to the tumor, which is the complexity of the artery in the apartment risk, do not run it with iron at all), as the Al-Zahrawi conditions of the patient in surgery of the intestine by placing a bed italic angle If the surgery in the lower part of the intestine, it should be swayed by the head. And vice versa, and the goal of reducing bleeding during the operation and expansion Walid surgeon. He cautioned the importance of heating when the bowel out of the abdomen if obstructed reply quickly, and that warm water so as not to be paralyzed. Also devised (Zrach) to wash the bladder and the introduction of drugs to treat from the inside. As the lithotomy before removing said: (the stone is very great, it is ignorance be excised by the rip great because it shows the patient one of two things: either to die or happen to him distillation in the urine and the best to circumvent the broken Elalib then graduating pieces).
In AD 836 the caliph Mu'tasim morgue building on the shore of a large river Tigris in Baghdad morgue and to provide these types of apes in the human body and installed so as to train medical students to dissect. Did not prejudice the authors of the works of Muslims in the medicine of the door independently of the anatomy is described in which various members in detail all the muscle and sweat and sinew in his name was Al-Razi says in his book: (testing the applicant leave medical anatomy first, If you do not know you do not need to Temthanh patients). Muslims were first ordered them to rely on what the Greeks wrote in Anatomy of the human body in order to avoid embarrassing religious. But they found through comparative anatomy (ie, dissection of animals) a lot of errors in the information Fabtdúa Greeks rely on themselves. Time during their studies of legislation Ibn al-Nafis discovered the micro-circulation . They found that the liver consists of two lobes, and not of the five lobes as it was believed the Greeks. And Abdul-Latif al-Baghdadi discovered who died in 1231 AD that the lower jaw of the human being consists of a single bone, not bones, as Galen said after the examination (2000) a human skull. It was found that the greatness of the deficit is made up of one piece and not six pieces also said Galen Greek. It was Ibn al-Haytham who died in 1037 AD has been discovered layers of eye anatomy and functions of each layer; Kaladsh and iris and retina and nerves related to the installation of the eye to the brain. As discovered by Ibn Rushd and the functions of the retina.
The Muslims call ophthalmology Alekhalh name was known for a number of doctors dipsomania title .. To prominence in the art .. Not limited to treatment Alekhalh kohl and Alqtor only "Vdrj kohl" was included along with these drugs to specialized surgical instruments, eye surgery has evolved in a country that has many of these diseases, such as Egypt and Andalusia.
In science Herbal Medicine have discovered thousands of plants that were not known and explained its benefits. Most of the herbs tested on animals Kalkarod first. The physician or pharmacist is Ashab at the same time. Then separated disciplines and become a doctor writes a prescription and called (Alonat). And he was delivering the patient to Ashab or Attar, who ride for him, was famed Damascus medicine herbs and had a months Attarien and therapists and working with herbs and Muslim scholars circumvent the medication time that Taaffha the same patient in different ways. Ibn Sina first recommended that encapsulates the drug salts of gold or silver for that reason , became the tablets coated with the Muslims have no taste. Was Ibn Al-Bitar (Sheikh Attarine) and touring the world with a painter to paint in his books plant color in various conditions and the stages and growth. It was discovered alone, 300 new medical plant described in his books and bestowed him. He is the senior herbalists of many books and encyclopedias in this science is the most important Ibn Al-Bitar , author of "vocabulary of medicine."
The Arabic medicine had me "geriatrics" and custom "organic psychiatry" Ktb insane and imprisoned, Avicenna was the first to point to the impact of psychological conditions on the digestive system, stomach ulcers and the blood circulation and pulse rate. The Arab doctors follow the preventive medicine and infectious diseases. Hbut were Aarafom infection and its role in transmitting the disease before the discovery of the microscope and microbes hundreds of years .. Fbinwa damage contact with the patient's contagious disease or the use of its utensils or clothes, and the role of sputum and secretions in the transmission. He was the son of Ibn Rushd has discovered that HIV is generated in the patient after suffering a contagious disease such as smallpox. And it was not affected by again. They make a kind of vaccination against smallpox (as they take some of the warts of a patient convalescent and fed by a healthy person that placed the palm of your hand and rub well or making a scratch in its place), the same idea of vaccination, attributed later to Europe. Were interested in Umayyads organized medical profession and its working methods and treatment, and issued legislation governing it and the therapists, doctors, and there was a legislative act regulating the practice of medicine in the era of Caliph Muqtadir Abbasi was the first law of licenses medical, which may not practice medicine until after the exam and a certificate. And put ethics and the ethics of the profession. Each of the exercise of the profession of medicine, taken by the department and the Muslim doctor who was dependent on maintaining the secret of the patient and treatment without discrimination and to protect the dignity of the profession and its secrets. It was in the year 833 - 218 e (14) during the reign of Caliph al-Ma'mun was issued the first law of pharmacy licenses under which the exam is being given to the pharmacist and the decree which allows him to work. Pharmacy law and subjected to computation (inspection). The caliph had commissioned Razi Sheikh doctors wrote a book entitled "The ethics of the doctor," to teach the students .. The explanation of the human relationship between doctors and patients and between them and also within some tips for patients in their dealings with the doctor and also developed the book "Medicine poor," which describes them cheap medicines for treatment home.

Arabic manuscript of the horse anatomy.
The Veterinary has become a note of the rules and origins of Islam, because my animal welfare and treatment, nutrition, and forbade us for not downloading it to bear it to him, or tortured, and prevent his death, but of necessity. And has forbidden the smell or the nose or cutting with a sharp prick. Arabs have achieved a great deal of scientific development in the field of veterinary medicine, where my horse disease, and the outer appearance and characteristics of public special horse and the donkey and mule and physiology of Foreign Affairs and genetic defects in horses.

Geometric shape of the athlete Abi Akouhe easy.
Since the arithmetic incomprehensible to the novice if by way of proof, the Muslims who were considered to be one of the best education initiation account by way of business matters because knowledge visibly and Brahinh regular, then there is his often mind lit indicates the right thing, and say to take the same learning account the first commanded a predominantly honesty, for the account of the health of buildings and competitive self Faiser him that created and accustomed honesty and attendant doctrine have increased the need of Muslims to the new science of science account helps in sale and purchase transactions between people with different currencies, weights and the contract system. safe cost-Khwarizmi mathematician , full-time to develop a new way to solve difficult equations facing workers account. He put his book "Algebra and the interview" and the purposes saying when presented: (you need the people of the need to in Muarithm and Ossaaahm In Mkasemthm, rules and their trade in all the deal by including the area of the Two Lands Cree river engineering and other of its aspects and arts). And address book of accounts and methods of calculation from the vicinity of the Earth's diameter and the longitude and latitude in developing countries and areas to the cities and the distances between them. Streets and spaces, rivers and areas to loss of homes .. And calculation of wills and inheritance and division of complex inheritance. And astronomical calculations, and calculation of architecture. And all were having problems and the difficulty of expense in the first two ways. The Muslim mathematicians have discussed the various aspects of science, engineering and account numbers and differentiation crowd and beaten and weakness and division and reached the roots of how to get the numbers in the correct and incorrect. And Benoit fractures and forms and methods of collection, identification and hit and divide and extract roots fractures quadratic, cubic, multiplication and division using engineering and solved issues in number, built its properties and its applications in the transactions and the exchange and conversion of dirhams and dinars and the rent and profit and loss, Zakat and Jizya and the abscess and the expense of livelihoods and E and the numbers implied, and other science account. The people of Morocco for their specific ways in the business district of this science, some are close to the socket of the ways I'm far away from Yaseen and vegetables routes as stated in the Book of Science City. As the numbers now used in the Orient are originally Indian numerals, while the numbers that are used internationally is the Arabic numerals developed by the Muslims on the way corners and added to the Muslim system of zero, and without which we can also solve many of the mathematical equations of the different grades, it was easy to use all business account, and concluded that the numbering system of the complex, and has resulted in the use of zero in the calculations to the discovery of decimal discovered by mathematician Jamshid bin Mahmoud Ghayasuddin Kashi (d. 840 AH -1436 AD), as stated in his book (the key to the account of the world). This was the Introduction of the studies and calculations micro. It was Besfarha Arabic numerals and decimal Xworha truly a gift of Islam to Europe. This book included Zij which is a mathematical astronomical tables showing the locations of the stars and account movements. The Ibrahim Fazari the first to make the astrolabe. An astronomical instrument used to detect planets.

A copy of the book island "Whole of work between science and useful tricks in the industry."
Science, or useful tricks (mechanics), the Arabs invented the science of useful tricks and they had manufactured to a high degree of perfection. The aim of this, take advantage of it and provide the manpower and expansion of the mechanical strength and take advantage of the simple effort to get more of an effort Had humans and animals. Vaattabrh simple energy scientists give more effort. Veredua through which to achieve the benefit of rights and the use of force and resourceful place where mind and muscle instead of the machine body. And dispensing with the forced labor of slaves and energy physical.
Vljúa Almikanekh power to dispense with the vital energy that depend on the slaves and animals, particularly Islam and prevent the system of forced labor in the district of the living things that require physical effort considerably.
Science in Islamic Civilization
Muslims invented new sciences were not known to them by their names and renamed the Arab science of chemistry, algebra and trigonometry. Mutalatna and scientific heritage of Islamic scholars, we find that the Muslims have devised a scientific method of research and writing. And was based on experience and observation and conclusion. Muslim scholars and enter the illustrations in scientific books and drawings of machinery and operations. And mapping and detailed astronomical. The Muslims invented the scientific encyclopedias and dictionaries, as the letters of the alphabet. The discovery of the paper industry and the proliferation of craft (Alorach) in the Islamic world in the spread of preferred authoring and copying manuscripts. The variety of Arabic manuscripts between translator and author, was not Islamic libraries as places of our time just keeping the books, but in the main library was a special translation and another for copying, transport, conservation and distribution system. The translators of all races who know the Arabic language with the language of their country. They then had to review their translations, Arab scientists to repair the errors of language. The move was their mission and Alencakhun release new copies of each book or a scientific modern Arabic is. The largest libraries are attached to major universities and mosques. In Damascus, Baghdad and Cairo and the University of Kairouan and Cordoba, and the University of the villagers , which is the oldest universities in the world, the manuscripts in their thousands every science and branch of science. They were all easy to see or metaphor. Was entitled to the reader to borrow any book regardless of the value and without mortgage. That is the illiteracy rate at this time, are almost non-existent. He was learning the Quran and read the writing mandatory. While the percentage of illiteracy in Europe between the ninth century and even 12th century more than 95%. He says the Orientalist Adam Metz , in his book (the Islamic civilization in the fourth century AH), the time that Europe had no More a limited number of libraries of the monasteries. Does not know history a nation focused on the acquisition of books and cherished, as did the Muslims in their renaissance eras and their prosperity. He was in every home library. The rich households boast with its rare and valuable manuscripts. Some of the traders travel to the far corners of the globe in order to obtain a copy of the manuscript or a rare interview. The caliphs and wealthy pay generously for any new manuscript. This is a list of some areas in which scholars excelled in the Muslim Arabs:

Person who installed a drug from a wild herb.
Muslim doctors have developed methods of treating wounds Vapetkroa parts dry style CSS. The surgery fuses Almgmosh in honey to prevent suppuration of procedure, their method of transport layer Europeans and Spaniards in their wars. The surgeons Muslims have jumped on the surgery a huge jump and passed from the stage of de-arrows as it was when the Greeks to gay micro-surgery and which facilitated the discovery of anesthesia before surgery, They found what they called the shrine (anesthetic, a sponge soaked in a solution of herbs vehicle cannabis (hashish), and weeds and poppy (opium) and six-Hasan. and leave to dry before the operation and put the sponge in the patient's mouth, if absorbed by the mucous membranes that bile surrendered to sleep with him does not feel the deep pain of surgery.
Not only Muslims on the way doctors sponge drugs, but they use it for Bossa from the anus or drink from the mouth. The Muslims knew anesthesia inhalation. Ibn Sina and its impact by saying: (inhaled the smell of a presentation of a deep sleep from his watch). To awaken from the anesthetic, doctors would use the sponge Arabs called it sponge saturated with vinegar stimulant to remove the effect of the drug and wake the patient after surgery. Tell us and Ibn Sina in his book "Law" for refrigeration anesthesia, saying: (Among other things, numb, cold water with ice cooling adults). He described how the use of cooling as topical anesthetic in dental surgery .. It was so averse to the surgeons before Aljrajh of the Interior, and content themselves with amputations. Cauterization with fire, and to stop internal bleeding. But the discovery and invention Razi for surgical sutures from animal intestines can make sewing any internal organ safely without having to open it again to remove wires surgery. The surgeons use suture wounds in the needles and yarn of silk or from the intestines of animals to link internal and external wounds or from the threads of gold to orthodontics.
With the development of surgery when the Muslims after the discovery of anesthesia, invented many machines surgery that were not known before them, some are machines made of silver or steel Oalnhac. The names of the machines indicated the extent of the expansion of surgical scalpels and diversity, there are different kinds of surgery, external and internal, including a reduction Odhu binomial and saws for cutting large and small to cut the bones of the Interior. And various forms of mismatch Scalpels Scalpels fork and cut the tonsils removed. And Majada and Majadr and initiator and hooks. And planted scalpels and scissors out of the eyes and Alajafot different shapes and sizes, large Kalajafot used in gynecology to extract the fetus or to facilitate the birth. Alajafot or used in orthopedic surgery to extract the remains of bone within the body or arms, or used in surgery of the ear, nose and eyes. The hooks that fall between the blood and veins and nerves in the internal vascular surgery and sewing.
In bone fractures, doctors would use the types of splints of bamboo or palm fronds or wood. He was being treated are forced off the joints and broken bones in the hand means the experience and skill without the need for surgical incision and often use tension on the joint to prevent the recurrence of dislocation, and they devised a way to respond to sudden dislocation. The Ironing Palmkkawi different, had passed down since the pre-Islamic Arabs were Muslims was used by therapists as a painkiller for chronic diseases and incurable women, a race Ampaju and migraines. And identified the maps of the human body identified by the cauterization positions for each disease. Ironing may be in more than one place for the same disease. The Muslim physicians innovated types of heated irons, including the Age of needles per minute, or two divisions, or three. And they made of iron or copper or gold or silver and set the right temperature for the treatment of each disease. And select the world's Ibn Sina in his book "Law" of the main surgery for cancer . In three stages, namely: early detection, and early surgery, Valastisal full. According to Al-Zahrawi cancer treatment in his book "discharge", saying: (when the cancer is in the position can eradicate all cancer who is in the breast or in the thigh and the like of the members are prevalent to remove a whole, if beginning with a small, then do so. As for when to provide it should overtures Fannie what I was able to heal him to anyone. I saw the tribal and others came to that). He described the process, saying: (and then received in cancer hooks that fit, and then Tkorh of each hand with the skin on the survey so as not to remain something of its assets and leave the blood being not go quickly, but what you can squeeze placements).
The Al-Zahrawi is the process of eradication of the thyroid gland . A process that did not dare any surgeon in Europe to conduct only in the nineteenth century after nine centuries has been the process by saying: (This tumor is called Philae the throat and be cyst great on the color of the body which is in women a lot. It is of two types either be natural or be incidental . As for the natural there is no trick in it. The accidental so the two types, one similar goods fat and the other type is similar to the tumor, which is the complexity of the artery in the apartment risk, do not run it with iron at all), as the Al-Zahrawi conditions of the patient in surgery of the intestine by placing a bed italic angle If the surgery in the lower part of the intestine, it should be swayed by the head. And vice versa, and the goal of reducing bleeding during the operation and expansion Walid surgeon. He cautioned the importance of heating when the bowel out of the abdomen if obstructed reply quickly, and that warm water so as not to be paralyzed. Also devised (Zrach) to wash the bladder and the introduction of drugs to treat from the inside. As the lithotomy before removing said: (the stone is very great, it is ignorance be excised by the rip great because it shows the patient one of two things: either to die or happen to him distillation in the urine and the best to circumvent the broken Elalib then graduating pieces).
In AD 836 the caliph Mu'tasim morgue building on the shore of a large river Tigris in Baghdad morgue and to provide these types of apes in the human body and installed so as to train medical students to dissect. Did not prejudice the authors of the works of Muslims in the medicine of the door independently of the anatomy is described in which various members in detail all the muscle and sweat and sinew in his name was Al-Razi says in his book: (testing the applicant leave medical anatomy first, If you do not know you do not need to Temthanh patients). Muslims were first ordered them to rely on what the Greeks wrote in Anatomy of the human body in order to avoid embarrassing religious. But they found through comparative anatomy (ie, dissection of animals) a lot of errors in the information Fabtdúa Greeks rely on themselves. Time during their studies of legislation Ibn al-Nafis discovered the micro-circulation . They found that the liver consists of two lobes, and not of the five lobes as it was believed the Greeks. And Abdul-Latif al-Baghdadi discovered who died in 1231 AD that the lower jaw of the human being consists of a single bone, not bones, as Galen said after the examination (2000) a human skull. It was found that the greatness of the deficit is made up of one piece and not six pieces also said Galen Greek. It was Ibn al-Haytham who died in 1037 AD has been discovered layers of eye anatomy and functions of each layer; Kaladsh and iris and retina and nerves related to the installation of the eye to the brain. As discovered by Ibn Rushd and the functions of the retina.
The Muslims call ophthalmology Alekhalh name was known for a number of doctors dipsomania title .. To prominence in the art .. Not limited to treatment Alekhalh kohl and Alqtor only "Vdrj kohl" was included along with these drugs to specialized surgical instruments, eye surgery has evolved in a country that has many of these diseases, such as Egypt and Andalusia.
In science Herbal Medicine have discovered thousands of plants that were not known and explained its benefits. Most of the herbs tested on animals Kalkarod first. The physician or pharmacist is Ashab at the same time. Then separated disciplines and become a doctor writes a prescription and called (Alonat). And he was delivering the patient to Ashab or Attar, who ride for him, was famed Damascus medicine herbs and had a months Attarien and therapists and working with herbs and Muslim scholars circumvent the medication time that Taaffha the same patient in different ways. Ibn Sina first recommended that encapsulates the drug salts of gold or silver for that reason , became the tablets coated with the Muslims have no taste. Was Ibn Al-Bitar (Sheikh Attarine) and touring the world with a painter to paint in his books plant color in various conditions and the stages and growth. It was discovered alone, 300 new medical plant described in his books and bestowed him. He is the senior herbalists of many books and encyclopedias in this science is the most important Ibn Al-Bitar , author of "vocabulary of medicine."
The Arabic medicine had me "geriatrics" and custom "organic psychiatry" Ktb insane and imprisoned, Avicenna was the first to point to the impact of psychological conditions on the digestive system, stomach ulcers and the blood circulation and pulse rate. The Arab doctors follow the preventive medicine and infectious diseases. Hbut were Aarafom infection and its role in transmitting the disease before the discovery of the microscope and microbes hundreds of years .. Fbinwa damage contact with the patient's contagious disease or the use of its utensils or clothes, and the role of sputum and secretions in the transmission. He was the son of Ibn Rushd has discovered that HIV is generated in the patient after suffering a contagious disease such as smallpox. And it was not affected by again. They make a kind of vaccination against smallpox (as they take some of the warts of a patient convalescent and fed by a healthy person that placed the palm of your hand and rub well or making a scratch in its place), the same idea of vaccination, attributed later to Europe. Were interested in Umayyads organized medical profession and its working methods and treatment, and issued legislation governing it and the therapists, doctors, and there was a legislative act regulating the practice of medicine in the era of Caliph Muqtadir Abbasi was the first law of licenses medical, which may not practice medicine until after the exam and a certificate. And put ethics and the ethics of the profession. Each of the exercise of the profession of medicine, taken by the department and the Muslim doctor who was dependent on maintaining the secret of the patient and treatment without discrimination and to protect the dignity of the profession and its secrets. It was in the year 833 - 218 e (14) during the reign of Caliph al-Ma'mun was issued the first law of pharmacy licenses under which the exam is being given to the pharmacist and the decree which allows him to work. Pharmacy law and subjected to computation (inspection). The caliph had commissioned Razi Sheikh doctors wrote a book entitled "The ethics of the doctor," to teach the students .. The explanation of the human relationship between doctors and patients and between them and also within some tips for patients in their dealings with the doctor and also developed the book "Medicine poor," which describes them cheap medicines for treatment home.

Arabic manuscript of the horse anatomy.
The Veterinary has become a note of the rules and origins of Islam, because my animal welfare and treatment, nutrition, and forbade us for not downloading it to bear it to him, or tortured, and prevent his death, but of necessity. And has forbidden the smell or the nose or cutting with a sharp prick. Arabs have achieved a great deal of scientific development in the field of veterinary medicine, where my horse disease, and the outer appearance and characteristics of public special horse and the donkey and mule and physiology of Foreign Affairs and genetic defects in horses.

Geometric shape of the athlete Abi Akouhe easy.
Since the arithmetic incomprehensible to the novice if by way of proof, the Muslims who were considered to be one of the best education initiation account by way of business matters because knowledge visibly and Brahinh regular, then there is his often mind lit indicates the right thing, and say to take the same learning account the first commanded a predominantly honesty, for the account of the health of buildings and competitive self Faiser him that created and accustomed honesty and attendant doctrine have increased the need of Muslims to the new science of science account helps in sale and purchase transactions between people with different currencies, weights and the contract system. safe cost-Khwarizmi mathematician , full-time to develop a new way to solve difficult equations facing workers account. He put his book "Algebra and the interview" and the purposes saying when presented: (you need the people of the need to in Muarithm and Ossaaahm In Mkasemthm, rules and their trade in all the deal by including the area of the Two Lands Cree river engineering and other of its aspects and arts). And address book of accounts and methods of calculation from the vicinity of the Earth's diameter and the longitude and latitude in developing countries and areas to the cities and the distances between them. Streets and spaces, rivers and areas to loss of homes .. And calculation of wills and inheritance and division of complex inheritance. And astronomical calculations, and calculation of architecture. And all were having problems and the difficulty of expense in the first two ways. The Muslim mathematicians have discussed the various aspects of science, engineering and account numbers and differentiation crowd and beaten and weakness and division and reached the roots of how to get the numbers in the correct and incorrect. And Benoit fractures and forms and methods of collection, identification and hit and divide and extract roots fractures quadratic, cubic, multiplication and division using engineering and solved issues in number, built its properties and its applications in the transactions and the exchange and conversion of dirhams and dinars and the rent and profit and loss, Zakat and Jizya and the abscess and the expense of livelihoods and E and the numbers implied, and other science account. The people of Morocco for their specific ways in the business district of this science, some are close to the socket of the ways I'm far away from Yaseen and vegetables routes as stated in the Book of Science City. As the numbers now used in the Orient are originally Indian numerals, while the numbers that are used internationally is the Arabic numerals developed by the Muslims on the way corners and added to the Muslim system of zero, and without which we can also solve many of the mathematical equations of the different grades, it was easy to use all business account, and concluded that the numbering system of the complex, and has resulted in the use of zero in the calculations to the discovery of decimal discovered by mathematician Jamshid bin Mahmoud Ghayasuddin Kashi (d. 840 AH -1436 AD), as stated in his book (the key to the account of the world). This was the Introduction of the studies and calculations micro. It was Besfarha Arabic numerals and decimal Xworha truly a gift of Islam to Europe. This book included Zij which is a mathematical astronomical tables showing the locations of the stars and account movements. The Ibrahim Fazari the first to make the astrolabe. An astronomical instrument used to detect planets.
Includes physics science tricks and optics, in the science of tricks known children of Musa ibn Shakir in the ninth century AD, and wrote the book "tricks useful" and "Alcrdoson" - Alcrdoson balance of gold - and the book "Description of the machine that bragging about their own workmanship Banu Musa bin Shakir" . It Mokhtraathm machine and a huge astronomical observation was working in Mrsdhm momentum and managed water and was shown all the stars in the sky and reflected in the large mirror, and if a star appeared in the monitoring of the machine and if the star disappeared or Shahab- monitoring and in the case record.aware of the tricks

A copy of the book island "Whole of work between science and useful tricks in the industry."
Science, or useful tricks (mechanics), the Arabs invented the science of useful tricks and they had manufactured to a high degree of perfection. The aim of this, take advantage of it and provide the manpower and expansion of the mechanical strength and take advantage of the simple effort to get more of an effort Had humans and animals. Vaattabrh simple energy scientists give more effort. Veredua through which to achieve the benefit of rights and the use of force and resourceful place where mind and muscle instead of the machine body. And dispensing with the forced labor of slaves and energy physical.
Vljúa Almikanekh power to dispense with the vital energy that depend on the slaves and animals, particularly Islam and prevent the system of forced labor in the district of the living things that require physical effort considerably.