We are all aware of the importance of education, but some facts have more than we imagine ...
Here's a quick ten points of education, I hope that does not stingy on your friends and your families, and even by your government!
1) Did you know that if we collected all the world's children drop out of primary schools in one state, the state formed larger than France, Italy and the United Kingdom, reaching the 67 million children! 53% of them female.
2) it takes to bring water used for domestic purposes in sub-Saharan Africa about 40 million hours a year, you learn to bring those waters? Girls.
Lead in many areas lack basic water services to the denial of girls to school.
3) With each new school year granted by any girl, increase their income by 20% physical.
4) How much it will cost the world to provide basic education in low-income countries? About $ 16 billion annually, amounting to 1% of the amounts spent on military equipment in 2009! If we can bridge the gap of education funding allocations from the 6 days of military equipment.
5) expenditure on education, as opposed to spending to buy weapons and explosives, we can find a more productive individuals. For every one dollar spent on education increases economic growth by 10 to 15 dollars.
6) What the world will benefit from securing basic education for children in addition to increasing the annual income? We can avoid a 7 million new cases of AIDS in the next decade if every child received an education.
7) The education helps to reduce the number of deaths among pregnant mothers and newborns, when women are aware of the importance of personal hygiene and the benefits of access to vaccines and the need to receive appropriate care during pregnancy, increased rates of age significantly.
8) with all the benefits of education combined, the provision of secondary education for all women in sub-Saharan Africa, we can save 1.8 million lives annually.
9) What else? Education helps to promote peace and stability, as well as to make people aware of the importance of preserving the environment to avoid climate change.
10) But the most important and the biggest benefit of education is that it helps to fight poverty, Each year, additional educational for the children of any country, means an increase in national income of up to about 0.5%, and an increase in average income of its members up to 10%, which is Agafrh large able to lift millions out of poverty and marginalization.
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